Spring Melt

Spring Melt

Plein air painting is all about being in the moment and painting what you experience and feel at that exact time and place. But being faced with a scene like this, with all its beauty, noise, movement can be pretty intimidating!...
Incoming Tide

Incoming Tide

Waiting to be Rescued I went down to the beach very early in the morning with the intention of starting a painting while the sun was still really low in the sky. It didn’t happen. Instead, we saw a stranded elephant seal pup all on its own, on what would soon...
Tufted Trio

Tufted Trio

Tufted Trio, 12 x 16 soft pastel studio painting. I have to admit that I love these birds and I love this painting. These 3 make me smile just looking at them. The lighting and perspective, looking up at them from below, was perfect for me, enabling me to capture...

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